Reading other people's blogs can be an occupational hazard. So easy is it to get drawn into the web that hours somehow evaporate, uncounted. This happened to me last Friday while reading Asian Cajuns. Cath and Lar posted some link love for a few of their favorite

That such media stars noticed my efforts (They even gave me beer!) early in the going was valuable approbation. “Twin Sisters Blogging An Ocean Apart” is how today they describe their delightful musings on lifestyles in Atlanta and Edinburgh. I once spent a day in the Scottish capital and found it difficult to leave. Now I can return just by clicking a mouse.

Author of another Best Of Atlanta choice, Jess Smith won her Atlanta Magazine prize in 2010 for blogging as Lady Flashback. From great outfits to DIY projects, Smith keeps it interesting. Her nightlife reportage is rooted in organizing the fun herself. I gratefully acknowledge that her first appearance on my blogs went viral in the then burgeoning world of cycle chic.

photo by Dottie B.
Long at the nexus of personal fashion blogging and bicycle commuting, Let’s Go Ride A Bike has emerged as North America’s leading voice for cycling advocacy, something for which all who ride may be thankful. These ladies should have bike lanes named for them. Dottie in Chicago and Trisha in Nashville share their experiences, both joyful and challenging, of daily life on two wheels. While written for women, LGRAB gets a surprising number of comments from men. Such is the strength of community.
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