After a week of fluctuating forecasts from sixty-six (!) to seventy-one (gulp) degrees, I rode Saturday in shorts and two shirts. Tweed tomorrow? The weather gods smiled upon us because a delightful chill and wan sunshine greeted the jolly and stylish crew in Decatur Square Sunday. That riders gathered well in advance of the two o'clock starting hour showed a deep wellspring of enthusiasm. Original looks and sweet rides abounded. Here are but a few highlights. For more such goodness, please look at and consider posting your images to the flickr group Houndstooth Road Autumn Tweed & Vintage Ride 11/11/12 and the ride's facebook page.
Looks like a great ride! Love all the photos and outfits. :)
ReplyDeleteOur ride caught the attention of CNN reporter Emanuella Grinberg:
LOVE all the bike pictures!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad that I found your blog today! Am traveling to Georgia this mid December, from Oregon, to see my son graduate from OSUT @ Ft. Benning. I have not one clue as to what to wear and bring to Georgia for December! I've been reading the averages for temperatures but not having lived there, I don't know whether or not there will still be high humidity? The army kind of expects nicer wear, (no jeans I think), but I don't want to wear a dress unless maybe tights and boots(?) I'd even be willing to do some shopping in Atlanta since we will be going to the Aquarium before driving down to Columbus. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteCan you help me?
Tourist out of Her Element
Georgia Decembers are cold, dry and sunny, but wouldn't it be fun if you brought us some snow? Favorite shopping districts in Atlanta include, but by no means are limited to, White Provisions on the west side, Virginia-Highland and Little Five Points. Here's to your travels!