Thursday, May 31, 2012

At The Goat Farm: Chic Racers

Chic Racers Promo Flyer - Rev3
What has two heels and four wheels? The Chic Racers entry for the Atlanta Red Bull Soapbox Race, of course. When social entrepreneur Rosalynn Wilson asked how the zany competition might promote her company, Georgia Tech students (l-r) David Torello, Jamie Zahorian, Eliot Quon and Kemp Kernstine responded with a plan for a yoked pair of bicycles-as-pumps that just might roll over Nancy Sinatra's boots. Fueled by Red Bull, the quintet are working 'round the clock on behalf of Bottle Bar & Bistro, Chic Boutique Tour, Sage Naturalceuticals and Saving Our Communities. Come to Piedmont Park on June 9 and cheer them down the Tenth Street hill.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Can't wait for race day to come! xoxo Rosalynn
