Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In Woodruff Park: Radical Chic

Civil disobedience is an appropriate form of expression, provided that it is peaceful, non-violent and lawful. As of today, the Occupy Atlanta protesters continue to assemble in a peaceful, non-violent fashion in Robert W. Woodruff Park. Therefore, I have extended the Executive Order allowing Occupy Atlanta to remain in Woodruff Park after the park closes. This Executive Order is effective through the adjournment of the next Atlanta City Council meeting on November 7, 2011.
Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed
Monday, October 17

This city within a city gained its new lease on life just in time for the cold wind and rain, yet spirits remain high in Woodruff Park. Thrifted hats and blankets keep the chill at bay while churches and restaurants continue to feed the diverse crowd of homeless people, college students and social justice advocates who

1 comment:

  1. I love it so much that you went down there to take photos and that you are supporting this movement. THANK YOU.
