Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In The Old Fourth Ward: A New Friend

"We're Facebook friends," he said at our introduction outside Danneman's. Blame blogging and city cycling. Someone thoughtful placed a lovely bit of crochet work overthe signpost to protect bicycles from scratches while his diamond point bow tie and argyle socks coordinate with a shade of vintage Fuji burgundy. Ride with us this Saturday from Woodruff Park to Oakland Cemetery in The Seersucker Social.


  1. Great finally meeting you in real life, Cameron. Thanks for including me in your blog: I am flattered! Now that the weather is cooling, hopefully more folks will roll out in style.

  2. Yes, now that I don't arrive at work with makeup dripping down my face and covered in sweat, I was thrilled to wear normal clothes on the bike again this week! Kyle, looking quite dapper!

  3. That first one is such a great pic - perfect moment with the firetruck behind!

  4. Hello there Kyle - you have been chosen as the recipient of the "Thanking Your Bicycle" give-away on Lovely Bicycle! I have no contact info for you, so please get in touch!
